Increase your career alignment and motivation resulting in higher levels of success. Gain access to support and expert advice that unearths the real problems that get in the way of your progress.
Upon hiring Mary-Ann clients are often surprised by how quickly they achieve their goals.
Some of the services include, one-to-one sessions, assessment tools, and support and challenge enabling quick and lasting results.
Individual Coaching Benefits:
- Get your career on track by accessing the specific tools you need to get ahead.
- Obtain work that is highly motivating and aligns with your purpose.
- Access the right tools to assess your motivation, skills and interests.
- Learn how to “live” your strengths while gaining confidence and advancing your career.
- Increase your resilience, energy and vitality.
Client sessions include motivation, personality, interests, strengths, abilities, and values assessments. Services also include knowledge of best practice networking, interviewing, resume and cover letter techniques.
Interview practice is an important part of career coaching as the majority of clients need to improve these skills to land great work.
Golden Program
This level of service includes 6 coaching sessions held over a 4 month period. Three assessment tools are used to increase your self-awareness and help you advance your career.
Silver Program
This level of service includes 4 coaching sessions held over a 3 month period. Two assessment tools are used to enhance your self-awareness and career success.
Career Grit Program:
In this high impact program, participants learn techniques that drive them to make significant progress in their career. In the current work reality individuals need to stretch themselves to make things happen.
Participants need to have confidence that they can add value, and be courageous for their own career and align with a meaningful purpose.
The exercises in this program support participants to:
- have methods to step-up and create their own success
- exercise their courage to strategically broaden their network
- develop techniques to raise their confidence levels
- make progress in areas they were previously stuck in
- accomplish more by utilizing the depth of their resourcefulness and abilities
- buoy up their positivity and attitude
- move their focus from “me” to “we”
The program consists of a first phase where two coaching sessions occur and the participant works through two parts of a workbook. Then the second phase occurs where a follow-up session takes place a month to 6 weeks after completion of phase one.
Are you ready to learn more about our Career Coaching programs?
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